Our Principles And Believes
MRD's Purpose And Goals
Client Relations
Outsourcing of an Operation that produces a product for a client is an act of faith.
Notwithstanding other drivers such as economics, scarce resources, etc. it is an act of faith whereby the client puts his production and reputation in the hands of a contractor.
The team at Mineral Resource Development takes this very seriously and believes that to successfully manage an Operation on behalf of a Client requires more than good technical, operational and project skills.
What sets us apart is our willingness and ability to develop an open and trusting relationship, resulting in the role of the “contractor” changing to one of “partner”.
In long-term relationships, a joint willingness to produce a successful project, and to continuously work through problems to solutions, is the only recipe for sustainability.
Despite being the contractor, we believe that we can only be successful by knowing and understanding the business of our Client and all the problems he is faced with.
Through this broader context we are able to assist our Clients in developing sensible, cost effective solutions, both on the initial installation and for any future expansions / changes to product specification / etc.

Business Environment
Mineral Resource Development’s prime business objective and focus is to operate metallurgical plant on contract to clients, or within its own projects. The team has a large experience base in BOOT, BOO, and O&M in South Africa. However, where appropriate, MRD also has the experience to provide services in the areas of:
Feasibility studies
Plant / project optimizations
Plant modifications / additions
This experience is utilized by the team during the design phase, whether in-house or in conjunction with a process design company, to produce cost-effective, safe, maintenance and operator “friendly” plants. This provides improvements in both production throughput, and operating costs.
Where necessary the broad, overall experience base allows MRD to be involved in projects from conceptual stages, working in conjunction with other disciplines / companies. This broad involvement allows value to be added by incorporating the “cause and effect” aspect to all areas of the project.
MRD believes that technological advances must be exploited to be competitive, and we are progressive in the application of such new technology where it believes a benefit will accrue.
A further market which MRD has targeted is industrial effluents, with specific reference to assisting clients in developing cost-effective and sensible solutions that improve the bottom line, as well as our environment. MRD has associated with a specialist in this field and will provide operational and other experience to the association. Again, the primary objective is to operate these plants on behalf of the clients.
Operating Procedures
Mineral Resource Development’s experience in the application of procedures is extensive, be this in operational management, safety and health, environmental, etc. Where the client provides the procedures to which MRD must adhere, this is done without complication and where these are lacking, MRD will provide the necessary procedures existing within our company.
This experience extends to operating within the client EMPR requirements, and the response of the client is often to hand over the management of such issues to MRD directly, where they apply to the operation/plant environments.

It is clearly understood by the MRD management team that Safety is a non-negotiable issue. To this end all staff are required to comply with all procedures and if this is not adhered to firm disciplinary action is taken to maintain the high safety levels.
Maintaining a high standard of safety is one of the prime functions of the senior management team and their Heads of Department / Business Unit Managers.
The View Ahead
We believe that the changes taking place in the mineral beneficiation arena will require companies that are able to provide skills to support these changes.
The ability to successfully operate and manage projects on behalf of Mining Houses, and to do so cost effectively, will stand MRD in good stead as this market grows.
The contract metallurgical operations arena has also gained acceptance over the past years, even within a number of large companies. This, accompanied by a growing incidence of “partnering”, will ensure that many more people will be able to access the minerals market.
The experience within the MRD team, in this sector, will allow MRD to successfully operate and expand this business opportunities, providing service that will result in mutual benefit and long-term relationships for the Clients and MRD.